31st  Conference of the European Society for Comparative Endocrinologists

Ancona, Italy,  September 1-5, 2024

On behalf of the European Society for Comparative Endocrinology (ESCE) it is a great pleasure for us to invite you to the 31st Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists (CECE) 2024. The CECE 2024 meeting will be held from September 1-5, 2024 at the Polytechnic University of Marche, Faculty of Economics “Giorgio Fuà”, Ancona, Italy. Held every two years, CECE is Europe foremost conference for comparative endocrinology, bringing together researchers from around the world. The Society promotes research on endocrinology of all organisms at the molecular, cellular, systemic and evolutionary levels. Furthermore, it strives to integrate the field of comparative endocrinology with many related disciplines (biochemistry, physiology, neurobiology, ecology, etc.). Meetings are organized every other year and special support is provided for young investigators. Interested parties are invited to apply for membership to ESCE at the following website: http://www.escendo.info/.

ESCE together with the organizing committee of the  Conference is offering the opportunity to support young researchers with a bursary award of 300 €. Awardees have to be accepted for an oral presentation or a poster. Please submit your application following the instructions  by clicking here

The Organizing Committee is working enthusiastically and diligently to make this conference a memorable experience for you. The scientific program will include Plenary Lectures, Symposia with  State-of-the-Art Lectures and  Oral communications, as well as Poster sessions. Prizes for the best oral and poster presentation will be awarded to young researchers.  Major social events will include a Welcome Reception on Sunday, September 1st  and an excursion followed by the  Social Banquet  on Wednesday,   September 4th.

At this stage, we ask you to pass on this information to potentially interested colleagues that may not be on the mailing list. You can always contact us at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Your contribution to CECE 2024 is warmly welcomed and I invite you to submit a scientific abstract via the conference website.

I hope to hear from you soon  and look forward to welcoming to Ancona! 

Best wishes

Oliana Carnevali

Chairwoman of  the  CECE2024 organizing committee



February 15, 2024

Opening of registrations and abstract submission

May 31, 2024

Early bird Registration and abstract submission deadlines

June 30, 2024

Announcement of accepted abstracts

August 4, 2024

On line registration deadline

September 1-3, 2024

On site registration