
  1. Neuropeptides evolution and function: new and emerging concepts
  2. Endocrinology and chronobiology
  3. Endocrine control of ion-and osmoregulation
  4. Endocrine and paracrine control of reproduction and development
  5. Endocrine responses to environmental challenge and change/Leopoldina Symposium - download Leopoldina Program
  6. Endocrine control of energy balance and growth
  7. Signaling pathways in immunity
  8. Function of hormones, their receptors and binding proteins
  9. Molecular and Cellular Regulation of stress
  10. Hormones and behaviors
  11. Cell Plasticity, Stemness, Differentiation


Each participant can submit only one contribution as presenting author.

We hereby provide  some practical information about the different presentation types of the conference. Please check the scientific program for the exact timing of your presentation.

Oral presentations 

Plenary lecture : 45 minutes presentation - no Q&A

State-of-the-art : 25 minutes presentation - 5 minutes Q&A

Oral : 15 minutes presentation - 5 minutes Q&A

A presenter’s desk will be available near the registration desk. All presenters should submit their Oral presentation to the organizers, the day before the presentation. Bring your presentation (in Powerpoint) saved in a USB memory stick.


Poster presentation

E-Posters will be presented in person during the two scheduled poster sessions on September 2 and 3. The presentation order will be communicated as soon as possible.

Each presenter will have 3 minutes to present her/his poster, followed by 2 minutes for questions and answers, making a total of 5 minutes per presenter.

Please prepare your E-Poster using the template (download here) and submit it in PDF format to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by August 25, 2024. Note that posters should not be printed.