Monday, September 2, 2024

A toast to Science

Reserved to our young Scientists

During this event, science topics will be discussed while enjoying one drink offered by the organizers. Please confirm your attendance by sending an email to Dr Matteo Zarantoniello at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to ensure your free drink. 

Details regarding the location and timing will be communicated to you closer to the event date.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Public talk at Teatro delle Muse (In Italian)

“Inquinanti ambientali: una minaccia per le Specie Selvatiche e per l’Uomo” by Prof Oliana Carnevali

(Environmental Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: a Treat to Wildlife and Human Health)


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Tour along the Conero Riviera

Join us for an unforgettable guided tour along the Conero Riviera, a journey through breathtaking landscapes starting from the iconic Conero promontory. This renowned landmark gives its name to the Conero Riviera, a stretch of coastline extending over 20 kilometers southward from Ancona, featuring numerous Blue Flag beaches. The promontory, with its stunning sea views, is home to caves, coves, and inlets set against the backdrop of white rock and lush greenery of the Conero Regional Park, where diverse wild flora and fauna thrive amidst panoramic vistas. This relaxing scenery of rolling hills and the blue sea provides not only tranquility but also unique emotions and experiences. Immerse yourself in a sensory journey through the traditions, art, and flavors of the past. Discover the charm of the Conero Riviera, where every corner offers a new story and every view leaves an indelible impression


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Gala Dinner at Restaurant “Il Giardino”

Join us for a delightful evening at Restaurant "Il Giardino," where we will indulge in delicious Italian cuisine, sip excellent local wines, and enjoy beautiful music. This dancing evening promises fun and memorable moments you won't want to miss